8. The Roman Eclectics

May 22, 2020 Anna 0

Rather than staying rigidly faithful to a single philosophical tradition, some Romans preferred to draw upon and combine ideas from the various schools of philosophical thought to address particular practical […]

7. The Sceptics

May 22, 2020 Anna 0

Scepticism is an important philosophical tradition that emerged in Greece during the 4th century BC, and later spread throughout the Hellenistic world. It was founded by Pyrrho of Elis (c.360 […]

6. The Stoics

May 22, 2020 Anna 0

Stoicism was one of the most influential philosophies of the Hellenistic Age. It was originally founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium (344 – 262 BCE), a Cypriot who chose […]

5. The Epicureans

May 22, 2020 Anna 0

Epicureanism was one of the first schools of philosophy to emerge during the Hellenistic era – the period from the beginning of the reign of Alexander the Great in 336 […]

4. The Great Philosophers

May 22, 2020 Anna 0

During the Greek “Golden Age” playwrights, artists, historians and philosophers flocked to Athens from all over the Mediterranean to debate ideas and discuss the fundamental questions of life: What is […]