Lifetime Reading Plan

Welcome to The Mind Attic’s Lifetime Reading Plan. This aims to take you on an intellectual journey through the works of some of the greatest thinkers of Western civilisation, starting with the classical Greek philosophers of more than 2,500 years ago.

In line with the Mind Attic’s central objective, our Lifetime Reading Plan focuses almost exclusively upon the great minds of the social sciences – the political, social and economic theorists that have shaped our understanding of the human world. By shining a light on our cultures, our histories, our politics and our ethics, these intellectuals have contributed greatly to our understanding of the course of human history, and ultimately, ourselves.

In the first instalment of the Lifetime Reading Plan (which can be downloaded by clicking on the image above right) we outline the works of some of the Greek philosophers of the 5th century BC and discuss how their ideas spread far and wide up until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. Future instalments will be published in the coming months and will cover the great thinkers of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and our modern day era. Alternatively you can choose to read the different sections of the plan by working through the posts below.

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